the Soviet filmmaker Lev Kuleshov conducted an experiment in which he took a shot of an expressionless face and created three different short films, editing the face with a bowl of hot soup, girl in the coffin, or the seductive woman on a couch.
Even though we know the shot of the actor exactly the same in each scenario, audiences read meaning into the actor’s face by the nature of the shots around it.
here is a variation that tries to show the effect of Grawlixes
It shows the similarity between Grawlixes and 'affect'
"If emotions are personal experiences, then affects are the forces (perhaps the flows of energy) that precede, produce, and inform such experiences." (steven shaviro)
And according to Silvan Tomkins feedback of the facial response is the experience of affect
and thus in the grawlixes examples above the same affect can evoke different emotions
and the same expression is interpreted differently when connected to different affects
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